
Privacy Policy


We use a umami.is instance hosted in Europe to collect traffic metrics in order to improve rng.moe. Umami is a privacy-first cookie-less analytics provider that does not collect personal information.

We also collect performance metrics, error logs, and browser information through a Sentry instance hosted in Europe to aid in locating and fixing bugs.

rng.moe users local storage technology to store users' preferences (e.g. signal data, settings) locally on their device.

Signal Tracker

All signal search history data imported is saved locally on your device. Your signal search links are sent temporarily to rng.moe for the sole purpose of providing your signal search rolls and statistics. Your signal search link is not shared with anyone or persisted further.

When allowing rng.moe to contribute your signal search stats to global statistics, certain information about your pulls on our servers are saved in order to provide the Global Statistics service (uid, item type, rarity, time, banner, etc).

Google Sign In

rng.moe can be linked to your Google Account to save your local data inside of Google Drive. When signing in with Google, your email will be saved to provide the account service. You are able to link HoYoLab accounts and in-game accounts which will sync and display publicly available information about them. No Google Drive file can be accessed by rng.moe besides the one created to store your local website data.

rng.moe use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

If you wish to revoke Cloud Save (Google Drive) functionality and delete all HoYoLab and account data, you may use the "Delete Account" option available in Settings.


rng.moe uses Nitropay to serve ads through the use of cookies, based on prior visits to this website or other websites. For more information, please visit https://nitropay.com/privacy

You may manage your cookie consent settings below: